The first batch of Pines 2K pics.........
thanks John97

The group at the now infamous Red Lion Diner. Awaiting the "J.Devil Speach"

Dino - What do ya think JD?

We tried everything to get it started

I  ended up towing him a few miles to JDs parents house.

This is Mathes' dad next to the girley Bronco

MikeD and uh is that his daughter?? LOL

How swav

the colorful world of MikeD

This is a VERY rare shot, JDs first RRORC/pines stuck

Luckely I got him out before my winch died

well JD got to prove himself after his stuck.....
don't worry there are better shots of this one

JDs LOVING this (winching the RAV)

Group pics at the swimming hole
(Rich Van, J.Devil, John97, Splashman, MikeD)

(actual name John and thats a 97 but we allready know and love a John97)

Trucks: JD, John97, Splashman

SPLASHES RULE!!!! (Splashman, MikeD)

Rich Van, JDs brother, JD

well you know by now........




This is beer 30

The little guy had a Coors Light

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